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Cargo Services - Land
Meridian Express Logistics LLC
Tel: +971 4 2589572 DXBFax: +971 4 2589573 DXBAl Qusais Industrial Area 3
P.O.Box: 33946 Dubaiwww.Meridian-EL.comSky Express International LLC
Tel: +971 2 6448140 ADHTel: +971 4 2680654 DXBTel: +971 4 8838317 JBLFax: +971 2 6448130 ADHFax: +971 4 2651814 DXBFax: +971 4 8838318 JBLBehind National Bank of Abu Dhabi
P.O.Box: 3532 DubaiRightway Freight Services LLC
Tel: +971 4 2664588 DXBFax: +971 4 2686124 DXBBehind Cars Garage, Opposite Hamarain Centre, Al Khabissi, Deira
P.O.Box: 80849 Dubaiwww.rightwaycargo.comRajab Cargo Services Establishment
Tel: +971 2 6335919 ADHTel: +971 4 3528644 DXBFax: +971 2 6335909 ADHFax: +971 4 3528655 DXBBehind ADNOC, Opposite Madinat Zayed
P.O.Box: 29744 Dubaiwww.rajabcargo.comOscar Shipping Line LLC
Tel: +971 4 3529590 DXBFax: +971 4 3529592 DXB603, Al Khaleej Centre, Bur Dubai
P.O.Box: 49485 Dubaiwww.oelgroups.comNama Freight Services LLC
Tel: +971 4 2695962 DXBFax: +971 4 2695967 DXB206, Al Mamoorah Building, Al Rigga Road, Deira
P.O.Box: 80998 Dubaiwww.namafreight.comMotorland Passengers Transport By Rental Buses LLC
Tel: +971 4 3367176 DXBFax: +971 4 3348511 DXBNext to President Hotel, Karama
P.O.Box: 52606 Dubaiwww.motorlandgroup.comMohamed Aqeel Cargo LLC
Tel: +971 4 3534419 DXBFax: +971 4 3538798 DXBAl Fahidi Street, Bur Dubai
P.O.Box: 7458 DubaiMohamed Al Qattan Cargo & Clearing LLC
Tel: +971 4 2728500 DXBFax: +971 4 2728516 DXBOpposite San Marco Hotel, Frij Murar, Deira
P.O.Box: 21103 Dubaiwww.qatan.aeModern Age Shipping LLC
Tel: +971 4 2896901 DXBFax: +971 4 2896902 DXB115, Khalifa Al Muhairi Building, Ras Al Khor, Al Aweer
P.O.Box: 23082 Dubaiwww.modernageshipping.comMex Logistics LLC
Tel: +971 4 2859275 DXBFax: +971 4 2859276 DXBUmm Ramool, Rashidiya
P.O.Box: 48992 Dubaiwww.mexae.comRoyak Truck Transport LLC
Tel: +971 4 2830550 DXBFax: +971 4 2830655 DXB318, RAK Bank Building, Umm Ramool
P.O.Box: 36934 Dubaiwww.royaltrucktransport.comM E F Overnite Parcels Express
Tel: +971 4 3332787 DXBFax: +971 4 3333877 DXBAweer Road
P.O.Box: 24890 DubaiLogistics Solutions
Tel: +971 4 2831233 DXBTel: +971 4 8839330 JBLFax: +971 4 2831244 DXBFax: +971 4 8837339 JBL108, Al Naboodah Building, Al Garhoud
P.O.Box: 31510 Dubaiwww.ilogsolutions.comLodestar Freight International LLC
Tel: +971 4 3594924 DXBFax: +971 4 3594934 DXB604, Al Zahar Building, Khalid Bin Al Walid Road, Bur Dubai
P.O.Box: 111239 Dubaiwww.lodestarme.comLintas Freight & Logistics LLC
Tel: +971 4 3988425 DXBFax: +971 4 3988415 DXB203, Corporate Centre, Al Mankhool Area, Bur Dubai
P.O.Box: 49025 DubaiLaksiri Cargo Services
Tel: +971 4 3536363 DXBFax: +971 4 3537765 DXBBehind Gift Land, Bur Dubai
P.O.Box: 32301 DubaiKilimanjaro Trading & Cargo Services
Tel: +971 4 2275102 DXBFax: +971 4 2275103 DXB103, Zenith Building, Sabkha Road, Deira
P.O.Box: 85198 Dubaiwww.kilimanjarotrading.comImpact Logistics LLC
Tel: +971 4 8839246 JBLTel: +971 4 2829798 DXBFax: +971 4 8839247 JBLFax: +971 4 2829703 DXBRoundabout 8, TB 6, Jebel Ali Free Zone
P.O.Box: 36479 DubaiImmex Immediate Courier Express LLC
Tel: +971 2 6211979 ADHTel: +971 4 2824444 DXBFax: +971 2 6211952 ADHFax: +971 4 2868282 DXBBehind Etisalat, Khalidiya
DubaiHigh Aims Freight Services
Tel: +971 4 3524417 DXBFax: +971 4 3524471 DXBBur Dubai
P.O.Box: 46567 Dubai