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Emad Tours

Emad Tours Details
Business Activity/Category:Travel & Tourism > Tour Operators
Country:United Arab Emirates
  • AJM:06-7471172      (+971 6 7471172) or (067471172)
  • AJM:06-7471229      (+971 6 7471229) or (067471229)
Location:101, Dana Plaza, SHJ-AJM Road

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101, Dana Plaza, SHJ-AJM Road
United Arab Emirates


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MrDan -

I write from the experiences of a car driver, chauffeur who once worked in this company in vienna: * Currently, the former employee runs after the boss for about a year ago, because this is still guilty about 1000 €. Despite the intervention of a conciliator, the chef say: '' I think about it'' or '' I have no money '' etc. * The boss did not pay the salary on time, you literally had to beg for the money. It was then said: '' Where did not get any '' ', but he expected in return consistent work performance, even if this took place at 5 in the morning. * The boss had little empathy with his staff, he ate the food they found, asked who got the food, but almost never paid for it themselves. * He never paid holiday Christmas or any other money unless threatened with law. * He only charged the tax office officially for the Uber rides, but almost all the other trips he receives over his brother's travel agency in Dubai, he concedes without paying tax in his own pocket. * Wanted to pay workers less than 6 euros / hour

MrDan -

I write from the experiences of a car driver, chauffeur who once worked in this company in vienna: * Currently, the former employee runs after the boss for about a year ago, because this is still guilty about 1000 €. Despite the intervention of a conciliator, the chef say: '' I think about it'' or '' I have no money '' etc. * The boss did not pay the salary on time, you literally had to beg for the money. It was then said: '' Where did not get any '' ', but he expected in return consistent work performance, even if this took place at 5 in the morning. * The boss had little empathy with his staff, he ate the food they found, asked who got the food, but almost never paid for it themselves. * He never paid holiday Christmas or any other money unless threatened with law. * He only charged the tax office officially for the Uber rides, but almost all the other trips he receives over his brother's travel agency in Dubai, he concedes without paying tax in his own pocket. * Wanted to pay workers less than 6 euros / hour
