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Photographers - Portraits
Sabira Studio
Tel: +971 2 4491779 ADHFax: +971 2 4491769 ADHKannani Saloon Building, Opposite ADCB, Muroor Road
P.O.Box: 75823 Abu DhabiJoy Studio LLC
Tel: +971 2 6343489 ADHFax: +971 2 6217795 ADHM-02, Al Salhiya Lighting Building, Opposite Sands Hotel, Electra Street
P.O.Box: 25852 Abu Dhabiwww.joystudiouae.comPathans Studio & Stores
Tel: +971 2 6660979 ADHOpposite Dana Plaza, Khalidiya
P.O.Box: 72056 Abu DhabiPeacock Studio
Tel: +971 2 6775969 ADHFax: +971 2 6728646 ADHNear Seven Emirates Super Market , Salam Street
P.O.Box: 71295 Abu DhabiPhoto Palace
Tel: +971 2 6712616 ADHFax: +971 2 6720790 ADHBehind Emirates Super Market , Hamdan Street
P.O.Box: 53495 Abu DhabiPhoto Speed Studio
Tel: +971 2 6447070 ADHBehind National Bank of Abu Dhabi, Salam Street
P.O.Box: 47103 Abu DhabiPhotographya Studio
Tel: +971 2 6335550 ADHFax: +971 2 6351516 ADHOpposite Arab Bank, Al Nasr Street
P.O.Box: 42925 Abu Dhabiwww.photographyastudio.comFlash Studio
Tel: +971 2 6725294 ADHFax: +971 2 6766192 ADHBehind National Cinema, Baniyas Street
P.O.Box: 43784 Abu DhabiSea View Studio
Tel: +971 2 6760699 ADHFax: +971 2 6745015 ADHBehind Fujairah Bank, Salam Street
P.O.Box: 70226 Abu DhabiStudio Moon Light
Tel: +971 2 6446250 ADHAl Wahda Building, Near Peugeot Showroom, Salam Street
P.O.Box: 55410 Abu DhabiStudio Special Lens
Tel: +971 2 6445600 ADHFax: +971 2 6443500 ADHOpposite Navy Gate, Al Falah Street
P.O.Box: 95644 Abu Dhabiwww.speciallensstudio.comSumayya Studio & Typing
Tel: +971 2 4490012 ADHOpposite Municipality Garage, Muroor Road
P.O.Box: 75752 Abu DhabiYaser Studio
Tel: +971 2 6417071 ADHFax: +971 2 4616621 ADHOpposite Central Hospital, Airport Road
P.O.Box: 25817 Abu DhabiAl Hanaa Studio
Tel: +971 2 4434641 ADHSada Al Aiman Hotel Building, Airport Road, Next To Akai Building
P.O.Box: 30381 Abu DhabiAfdal Modern Studio
Tel: +971 2 6337433 ADHFax: +971 2 6330228 ADHModern Bakery Building, Hamdan Bin Mohd Street
P.O.Box: 28388 Abu DhabiAfdal Studio & Store
Tel: +971 2 6422619 ADHFax: +971 2 6420476 ADHOpposite Gigi Pharmacy, Al Falah Street
P.O.Box: 2065 Abu Dhabi