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Emirates American Environmental Science Centre
Business Activity/Category: | > Environmental Control Systems |
City: | Abu Dhabi |
Country: | United Arab Emirates |
Telephone: |
Fax: |
P.O.Box: | 4840 |
Location: | M 1 & 3, Omega Salon Building, Salam Street |
Website: | www.uaeenvironmental.com |
This process is based on the outcome of the Medical Equipment Planning process whereby needed medical equipment types are identified, quantities compiled and locations are marked. The procurement process includes the following: Prepare Technical Specifications Prepare Tender Documents Solicit Bids from Vendors/Suppliers Evaluate Bids Award & Contract Compile delivery, installation and commissioning program The following process is Medical Equipment Management. A CMMS is a necessary tool toany Biomedical Engineering Department. Our biomeds provides the following services: Properly assign UMDNS to medical equipment into the CMMS Setup Preventive Maintenance (PM) schedules based on Medical Equipment factors, Utilities Management factors, and Life Safety assignment Compile spare parts for PM Setup Work Orders Templates Setup Labor Productivity Templates Setup Contracts Management reporting In addition to providing an functional system for the day-to-day operation of the biomedical department, the CMMS alsosupports financing department withaccurate costing and budgeting projections. Whether building a new healthcare facility or renovating an existing one, medical equipment planners work with architects, engineers and clinical staff to identify medical equipment needed, utility services required and appropriate spaces. The outcome of this process includes: Preliminary medical equipment Bill of Quantities (BOQ) during Programming/Planning Phase of the project with pricing. Medical Equipment BOQ during the Design Phase of the project with technical specifications. Loaded Drawings which are loaded floor layout plans showing locations and general layout of major medical equipment and furniture systems. These typically include all Group 1 and Group 2 equipment in addition to some Group 3 equipment. Engineering specific reports that highlight typical detailed design requirementsneeded by other sub-consultants and engineering such as MEP, structural engineers, security, interior designers, IT, Telcom, environmental services and so forth. Medical equipment planning is followed by Medical Equipment Procurement. After medical equipment is ordered from vendors and suppliers during the Medical Equipment Procurement Process; the delivery, installation and commissioning of equipment supply takes place. The management process includes: Accepting delivery Supervising Installation & Commissioning Planning & conducting training (technical & operational) Tagging of equipment (barcodes or RFID) Testing for safety Entering to Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) Once this phase is over, the Biomedical Engineering Department takes over operation and maintenance issues.
Location Map
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
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