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Richmond Marine Electromechanical Contracting LLC

Richmond Marine Electromechanical Contracting LLC Details
Business Activity/Category:Marine > Marine & Offshore - Repairs & Maintenance
Country:United Arab Emirates
  • SHJ:06-5424501      (+971 6 5424501) or (065424501)
  • SHJ:06-5424506      (+971 6 5424506) or (065424506)
Location:Behind Tuba International, Double Cola Road

Richmond Marine Electromechanical Contracting LLC was originated in Sharjah, UAE as a sister concern of Raymond Technical Services L.L.C, Dubai that was formed to serve the ship maintenance sector.The company is largely involved in ship as well as rig maintenance, automation, installation & commissioning operations of all types of electro mechanical works in Sharjah and other emirates and is actively involved in the expansion of facilities in well known companies in the country. We are staffed with experienced engineers, who have previously worked for different types of projects in the U.A.E. and unaltered principle of our company is to stand behind the equipment and system we install with total maintenance services and our constant endeavor to achieve total customer satisfaction be offering technical support during design and installation. We hope that you will find the above information adequate, however if further information is required we are glad to provide the details.

Location Map

Behind Tuba International, Double Cola Road
United Arab Emirates


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