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Kitchen Equipment & Parts
Perfect Kitchen Appliances Manufacturing LLC
Tel: +971 6 5333966 SHJFax: +971 6 5333969 SHJ37681 Sharjahwww.perfectkitchenuae.comHawwaa Kitchen
Tel: +971 6 5667372 SHJFax: +971 6 5667397 SHJNear New Gold Centre, Al Waheida Street
P.O.Box: 62148 Sharjahwww.hawwaa-parties.aeHeefa Kitchen Equipment Trading
Tel: +971 6 5621834 SHJFax: +971 6 5621835 SHJOpposite CID Office, Rolla
P.O.Box: 62744 Sharjahwww.heefakitchens.comHerous Metallic Supplies
Tel: +971 6 5325388 SHJFax: +971 6 5326770 SHJBMW Road, Industrial Area 2
P.O.Box: 25023 SharjahImperial Kitchen & Technology
Tel: +971 6 5350340 SHJTel: +971 4 2850915 DXBFax: +971 6 5350347 SHJFax: +971 4 2850845 DXBNear National Paint Roundabout, Industrial Area 11
P.O.Box: 37780 SharjahKitchen House
Tel: +971 2 6347107 ADHTel: +971 6 5531121 SHJTel: +971 4 2627562 DXBFax: +971 2 6347105 ADHFax: +971 6 5532206 SHJFax: +971 4 2622241 DXBNext to Habib Bank Ltd, Electra Road
SharjahKitchen Land Hotels & Restaurants Supplies Factory LLC
Tel: +971 6 5439977 SHJFax: +971 6 5439134 SHJOpposite Municipality Labour Camp, Industrial Area 3
P.O.Box: 6532 Sharjahwww.kitchenland.aeKitcherama Trading Company Limited
Tel: +971 6 5323884 SHJFax: +971 6 5323883 SHJNear Al Khan Roundabout, Al Wahda Road
P.O.Box: 23354 Sharjahwww.kitcheramauae.comParamount Trading Establishment
Tel: +971 2 4453070 ADHTel: +971 6 5423969 SHJFax: +971 2 4452002 ADHFax: +971 6 5431596 SHJSheikh Zayed University Street
P.O.Box: 9824 SharjahEverstyle Trading Limited
Tel: +971 6 5314106 SHJFax: +971 6 5314460 SHJGerman Gulf Building, Al Khan Roundabout
P.O.Box: 103869 Sharjahwww.everstyleuae.comSanitart Systems
Tel: +971 6 5330713 SHJTel: +971 4 3357666 DXBTel: +971 2 6417720 ADHFax: +971 6 5336769 SHJFax: +971 4 3357667 DXBFax: +971 2 6417721 ADHOpposite Al Mukhtar Bakery, Industrial Area 4
P.O.Box: 40373 Sharjahwww.sanitart.comSofia Refrigeration Limited
Tel: +971 4 2684999 DXBTel: +971 6 5331009 SHJFax: +971 4 2683684 DXBFax: +971 6 5331608 SHJSalahuddin Road, Hor Al Anz, Deira
P.O.Box: 39526 Sharjahwww.sofiaref.comSteel Craft
Tel: +971 6 5582506 SHJFax: +971 6 5582509 SHJIndustrial Area 13
P.O.Box: 47372 Sharjahwww.steelcraftuae.comSultan Bin Rashed Sultaco
Tel: +971 6 5333748 SHJTel: +971 4 3377631 DXBTel: +971 3 7631609 ALNTel: +971 2 6334425 ADHFax: +971 6 5333754 SHJFax: +971 4 3350542 DXBFax: +971 3 7632003 ALNFax: +971 2 6312124 ADHBehind City Centre, Al Wahda Street
P.O.Box: 5829 SharjahTechnowood Industries
Tel: +971 6 5335367 SHJFax: +971 6 5335069 SHJBehind Alana Cold Store, Al Khan, Industrial Area 1
P.O.Box: 6098 SharjahTomaco LLC
Tel: +971 6 5343742 SHJTel: +971 4 3400191 DXBTel: +971 2 6446813 ADHFax: +971 6 5343793 SHJFax: +971 4 3400106 DXBFax: +971 2 6445816 ADHNext to Classic Metallic, Industrial Area 15
P.O.Box: 5890 SharjahVan Factory L L C
Tel: +971 6 5340553 SHJFax: +971 6 5340540 SHJOpposite National Paints, Industrial Area 11
P.O.Box: 40424 Sharjahwww.vangroup.onuae.netYasmin Kitchens & Hotels Equipment LLC
Tel: +971 6 5349742 SHJFax: +971 6 5349745 SHJNext to Classic Metallic, Industrial Area 15
P.O.Box: 62690 Sharjahwww.tomaco-group.comAl Nasser Industry For Refrigeration & Kitchen Equipment
Tel: +971 6 5327701 SHJFax: +971 6 5324449 SHJOpposite Sana Fashions, Al Qassimia Road, Industrial Area 4
P.O.Box: 27697 SharjahAl Amal Bakeries Auto Supplies
Tel: +971 6 5335824 SHJFax: +971 6 5335834 SHJOpposite Spinneys, Industrial Area 4
P.O.Box: 28676 SharjahAl Arz Refrigeration Equipment Trading Company LLC
Tel: +971 6 5436904 SHJFax: +971 6 5436903 SHJNear Skyline College, Industrial Area 3
P.O.Box: 41221 Sharjah