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Antiques, Curios & Handicraft Dealers
Al Alqab Trading Establishment
Tel: +971 6 5694912 SHJFax: +971 6 5694913 SHJMashreq Bank Building, Bank Street, Rolla
P.O.Box: 28742 SharjahAl Buhaira Gifts & Antiques
Tel: +971 6 5724191 SHJFax: +971 6 5742425 SHJ45-46, Block 4, New Central Market
P.O.Box: 26333 SharjahAl Ghafari Antiques & Stores
Tel: +971 6 5735359 SHJShop 3, Bridge 1, New Central Market
P.O.Box: 3227 SharjahAl Jawareh Group Of Companies
Tel: +971 6 5421366 SHJTel: +971 4 2678871 DXBFax: +971 6 5434118 SHJFax: +971 4 2678872 DXBNear J & P Signal, Industrial Area 5
P.O.Box: 25138 SharjahAl Maas Gifts & Novelties Company Limited
Tel: +971 6 5725739 SHJ46, Block 6, Central Market
P.O.Box: 40127 SharjahDawar Al Shahba Furniture Trading
Tel: +971 6 5349714 SHJFax: +971 6 5349715 SHJNear National Paints Roundabout, Industrial Area 15
P.O.Box: 150642 SharjahImpex Carpets LLC
Tel: +971 4 2212025 DXBTel: +971 6 5734164 SHJFax: +971 6 5733879 SHJGround Floor, Intercontinental Hotel Plaza, Baniyas, Deira
SharjahMadiq Hormoz Carpets Antiques & Stones LLC
Tel: +971 6 5696026 SHJBehind Bank Street, Irani Market
P.O.Box: 130115 SharjahMutahir Ahmed Trading Company LLC
Tel: +971 6 5722590 SHJFax: +971 6 5740844 SHJ51, Block 5, Central Market
P.O.Box: 43723 SharjahPersian Carpet House & Antiques
Tel: +971 6 5723732 SHJTel: +971 4 2950263 DXBFax: +971 6 5624404 SHJFax: +971 4 2950118 DXBBlock 3, Central Market
P.O.Box: 5020 Sharjahwww.persiancarpethouse.comPillowfield Trading Company Limited
Tel: +971 6 5616677 SHJFax: +971 6 5618110 SHJ201, Karate Building, Al Zahra Street, Rolla
P.O.Box: 25206 SharjahPinky Furniture & Handicrafts LLC
Tel: +971 6 5341714 SHJFax: +971 6 5343027 SHJOpposite Skyline College, Industrial Area 10
P.O.Box: 62913 Sharjahwww.pinkyfurnitureandhandicrafts.comPrakash Emporium
Tel: +971 6 5724868 SHJFax: +971 6 5726826 SHJ1st Floor, Block 1, Old Gold Souk
P.O.Box: 2569 Sharjahwww.alkananah.comReshie Handicrafts LLC
Tel: +971 6 5726075 SHJTel: +971 2 6210737 ADHFax: +971 6 5724407 SHJ61 & 62, Block 5, Sharjah Central Market
P.O.Box: 3328 SharjahSuqatrah Persian Carpets & Antiques
Tel: +971 6 5693221 SHJBehind Bank Street, Al Masqoof, Heritage Area
P.O.Box: 130114 Sharjah
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