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Kripa International FZCO

Kripa International FZCO Details
Business Activity/Category:Electronics > Electronic Products - Used
City:Jebal Ali
Country:United Arab Emirates
  • JBL:04-8860015      (+971 4 8860015) or (048860015)
  • JBL:04-8860014      (+971 4 8860014) or (048860014)
Location:W/House B06, Jebel Ali Free Zone (South)

Incorporated in the electronics hub of the world Singapore and having over a decade of experience in sourcing consumer electronics from the Far East as well as distribution channels all over the globe, NASH is focused on providing affordable consumer electronics to customers.Our aim is to understand the customer's need and strive to meet this by sourcing easy-to-use and reliable products keeping in mind their affordability and backing it up with service.Our products are widely distributed by exclusive dealers in the Asia, Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe. We are one of the leading Engineering Company with substantial competence and revenues from the following streams of business: Air-conditioning Commercial Refrigeration As of now our footprints is mainly in UAE. However, we wish to progressively built a sizable presence in chosen international markets over the next few years. Nash Consumer Electronics Office N902, Twin (Rolex) Towers, Office bldg., Baniyas Road. Deira P.O. Box 261323 U.A.E. +971 (4) 236-77-66 +971 (4) 236-77-67 Send Message to Us

Location Map

W/House B06, Jebel Ali Free Zone (South)
Jebal Ali
United Arab Emirates


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