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Packaging Manufacturers
Ishida Europe
Tel: +971 4 2991933 DXBFax: +971 4 2991955 DXBE-16, DAFZA
P.O.Box: 293841 Dubaiwww.ishidaeurope.comUnipack Containers & Carton Products LLC
Tel: +971 4 3472209 DXBFax: +971 4 3472072 DXBNear Top Mix Cement Company, Al Quoz Industrial Area
P.O.Box: 6689 Dubaiwww.unipackuae.comTrue Line Packing Services LLC
Tel: +971 4 2589959 DXBFax: +971 4 2589958 DXBAl Habtoor Warehouse, Industrial Area 3, Al Qusais
P.O.Box: 21857 DubaiSunrise Plastic Straps Manufacturing Company LLC
Tel: +971 4 3476779 DXBFax: +971 4 3476659 DXBNext to Al Shirawi Contg, 4th Interchange, Al Quoz Industrial Area
P.O.Box: 2293 DubaiSapin United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 3201712 DXBFax: +971 4 3201713 DXBNear Al Abbar Aluminium, Ras Al Khor
P.O.Box: 115132 Dubaiwww.sapin.com.saS I G Combibloc Obeikan FZCO
Tel: +971 4 2996262 DXBFax: +971 4 2996263 DXB305, East Wing, Dubai Airport Free Zone
P.O.Box: 54335 Dubaiwww.sigcombiblocobeikan.comRoyal Packing Materials Industry LLC
Tel: +971 4 3476693 DXBFax: +971 4 3476698 DXBOpposite Emirates Glass Factory, 4th Interchange, Al Quoz Industrial Area
P.O.Box: 51183 Dubaiwww.royalpac-industry.comModern Age International Trading LLC
Tel: +971 4 2896901 DXBFax: +971 4 2896902 DXB115, Khalifa Al Muhairi Building, Ras Al Khor, Al Aweer
P.O.Box: 23082 Dubaiwww.modernagetrading.comMing Wei Paperware Machinery Company
Tel: +971 4 2270354 DXBFax: +971 4 2246572 DXB607, Green Corner Building, Rigga Road, Deira
P.O.Box: 26985 Dubaiwww.mingwei.com.twMatco Pack Printing & Packaging
Tel: +971 4 2675708 DXBFax: +971 4 2675709 DXBAl Qusais Industrial Area 5
P.O.Box: 36976 DubaiMarbach Dubai International Prepress Services LLC
Tel: +971 4 2692027 DXBFax: +971 4 2691902 DXB1280 B, DM No 14, Behind Cars Garage, Al Khabeesi, Deira
P.O.Box: 10337 Dubaiwww.marbach.comJamaa Professional Packaging LLC
Tel: +971 4 3401691 DXBFax: +971 4 3401692 DXBShed 11, Opposite Al Shirawi Equipment Company, Al Quoz Industrial Area 1
P.O.Box: 282644 Dubaiwww.rightpack.netAl Zeera Trading Establishment
Tel: +971 4 2959987 DXBFax: +971 4 2959986 DXB108, Saudi Arabian Airlines Building, Near Clock Tower, Deira
P.O.Box: 28630 DubaiHotpack Packaging Industries LLC
Tel: +971 4 2697709 DXBFax: +971 4 2622370 DXBOpposite Hitachi Showroom, Near Haramain Centre, Deira
P.O.Box: 81261 Dubaiwww.hotpackuae.comGulf Packaging Industry LLC
Tel: +971 4 2858858 DXBFax: +971 4 2857275 DXBBehind Emirates Spring WaterWarehouse, Al Ramool, Rashidiya
P.O.Box: 10272 DubaiGrapholine Book Binding
Tel: +971 4 2854064 DXBFax: +971 4 2855634 DXBNear Toyota Service Centre, Ramool, Rashidiya
P.O.Box: 36121 DubaiExpress Printing Services LLC
Tel: +971 4 2857209 DXBFax: +971 4 2858084 DXBNext to Best Food, Streeteel Mill Road, Rashidiya
P.O.Box: 10263 Dubaiwww.expgroup.comEmirates Printing Press LLC
Tel: +971 4 3475550 DXBFax: +971 4 3475959 DXBAl Quoz Industrial Area
P.O.Box: 5106 Dubaiwww.eppdubai.comEmirates Packaging Industries
Tel: +971 4 2857293 DXBFax: +971 4 2850690 DXBBehind Al Habtoor Motors, Opposite Allied Foods, Al Ramool
P.O.Box: 36412 Dubaiwww.emiratespackaging.comDubai Packaging Industries
Tel: +971 4 3330444 DXBFax: +971 4 3330233 DXBRas Al Khor Industrial Area
P.O.Box: 60487 Dubaiwww.dupack.comCosmetic Pack LLC
Tel: +971 4 2233974 DXBFax: +971 4 2234611 DXB202 A, Golden Fork Building, Near Nasr Square, Deira
P.O.Box: 171868 Dubaiwww.cosmeticpack.com