Tony Edwards Motors LLC
Tony Edwards Motors LLC DetailsBusiness Activity/Category: | Car Rental & Services > Car Repairs & Service |
City: | Dubai |
Country: | United Arab Emirates |
Telephone: | - DXB:04-3383887 (+971 4 3383887) or (043383887)
Fax: | - DXB:04-3382877 (+971 4 3382877) or (043382877)
P.O.Box: | 37862 |
Location: | 2nd Interchange, Sheikh Zayed Road |
Website: | |
Florida's LeadingInstallers of Division 8 & Division 10Specialties We are a full-service subcontractor providing quality service to industrial and commercial contractors in the state of Florida. From remodeling to new construction, a wide range of scope items professionally managed by our team of dedicated employees.We are located in Tampa, Florida withstatewide coverage. We are fully licensedas a state Certified General Contractor, insured and bondable. Whether your firm is at the design phase of a project or ready to install material, our expert staff is here to work for you.Give Trinity Construction Management, LLC a call and let us prove ourselves to you! Certified State of Florida MBE SubcontractorLicense #CGC1517054 * YKK Distributors* Certified Installers of Altro Whiterock,the grout-free, hygienic alternative to tiles.Division 8Doors and WindowsDivision 10Specialties8050Basic Door and Window10100Visual Display Boards8100Metal Doors and Frames10150Compartments and Cubicles8200Wood and Plastic Doors10200Louvers and Vents8300Specialty Doors10240Grilles and Screens8400Entrances and Storefronts10250Service Walls8500Windows10260Wall and Corner Guards8600Skylights10270Access Flooring8700Hardware10300Fireplaces and Stoves8800Glazing10340Manufactured Exterior Specialties8900Glazed Curtain Wall10350Flagpoles10400Identification Devices10450Pedestrian Control Devices10500Lockers10520Fire Protection Specialties10530Protective Covers10550Postal Specialties10600Partitions10670Storage Shelving10700Exterior Protection10750Telephone Specialties10800Toilet, Bath, and Laundry Specialties10880Scales10900Wardrobe and Closet Specialties
Location Map
2nd Interchange, Sheikh Zayed Road
United Arab Emirates
Tony Edwards Motors LLC
- DXB:04-3383887 (+971 4 3383887) or (043383887)
2nd Interchange, Sheikh Zayed Road
state, florida, construction, certified, trinity, management, subcontractor, service, division, cgc1517054, yougive, work, withstatewide, windowsdivision, window10100visual, wide, whiterockthe, walls8500windows10260wall, wall10350flagpoles10400identification, vents8300specialty, tilesdivision, team, tampa, subcontractorlicense, stoves8800glazing10340manufactured, storefronts10250service, staff, specialties8900glazed, specialties10880scales10900wardrobe, specialties10800toilet, specialties10600partitions10670storage, specialties10530protective, specialties, shelving10700exterior, services, screens8400entrances, scope, remodeling, ready, range, quality, providing, prove, protection10750telephone, protection, projects, project, professionally, products, plastic, phase, office, odessa, material, managed, located, licensedas, license, leadinginstallers, laundry, items, insured, insurance, installers, install, industrial, hygienic, history, guards8600skylights10270access, grout, general, fully, free, frames10150compartments, floridas, flooring8700hardware10300fireplaces, firm, exterior, expert, employeeswe, doors10240grilles, doors10200louvers, doors, door, distributors, display, devices10500lockers10520fire, devices10450pedestrian, destiny, design, dedicated, curtain, cubicles8200wood, covers10550postal, coverage, corner, control, contractors, contractor, contact, commercial, closet, bondable, boards8100metal, bath, altro, alternative, 8doors, 10specialties8050basic, 10specialties,, Wood and Plastic Doors, Windows, Wardrobe and Closet Specialties, Wall and Corner Guards, Visual Display Boards, Toilet, Bath, and Laundry Specialties, Telephone Specialties, Storage Shelving, Specialty Doors, Skylights, SERVICES, Service Walls, Scales, Protective Covers, PROJECTS, PRODUCTS, Postal Specialties, Pedestrian Control Devices, Partitions, Metal Doors and Frames, Manufactured Exterior Specialties, Louvers and Vents, Lockers, INSURANCE, Identification Devices, HISTORY, Hardware, Grilles and Screens, Glazing, Glazed Curtain Wall, Flagpoles, Fireplaces and Stoves, Fire Protection Specialties, Exterior Protection, Entrances and Storefronts, CONTACT US, Compartments and Cubicles, Basic Door and Window, Access Flooring, ABOUT US, 8900, 8800, 8700, 8600, 8500, 8400, 8300, 8200, 8100, 8050, 10900, 10880, 10800, 10750, 10700, 10670, 10600, 10550, 10530, 10520, 10500, 10450, 10400, 10350, 10340, 10300, 10270, 10260, 10250, 10240, 10200, 10150, 10100,
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