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Dollar Rent A Car LLC

Dollar Rent A Car LLC Details
Business Activity/Category:Car Rental & Services > Car Hire & Leasing
Country:United Arab Emirates
  • DXB:04-3365065      (+971 4 3365065) or (043365065)
  • DXB:04-3365040      (+971 4 3365040) or (043365040)
Location:Ground Floor, Arenco Building, Karama
Website: is having difficulty loading on your computer. To provide you with great rates and services, utilizes advanced internet technology. Unfortunately does not support some older browsers. Additionally does require that browser cookie settings to be enabled. If you are uncertain how to change your browsers cookie settings, feel free to call our Internet help desk at 800-800-5774. Or, please use one of the links below to download and install a free version of your browser choice. Microsoft Internet Explorer(ver 6.0 or higher supported) Mozilla Firefox(ver 2.x or higher supported) Apple Safari(ver 2.0 or higher supported) Google Chrome Also, we also have friendly reservation agents standing by to help you. To make a reservation over the phone please contact us at 1-800-800-3665.

Location Map

Ground Floor, Arenco Building, Karama
United Arab Emirates


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