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Irrigation Contractors & Consultants
A A A I Al Ain Automatic Irrigation Company LLC
Tel: +971 2 6343484 ADHTel: +971 3 7641290 ALNTel: +971 4 2673424 DXBFax: +971 2 6321740 ADHFax: +971 3 7661295 ALNFax: +971 4 2673420 DXB204, Bin Salah Travel Building, Al Nasr Street
P.O.Box: 28554 Abu DhabiAl Howar Contracting & Irrigation Establishment
Tel: +971 2 6747708 ADHFax: +971 2 6747709 ADHBehind Sharjah Bank, Mina Street
P.O.Box: 51722 Abu DhabiAl Jurf Development Projects
Tel: +971 2 6717331 ADHFax: +971 2 6717332 ADH703, National Bank of Fujairah Building, Salam Street
P.O.Box: 52851 Abu DhabiAl Nasr Irrigation & Contracting Company LLC
Tel: +971 2 6420002 ADHFax: +971 2 6420228 ADHNext to Bin Ham, Defence Road
P.O.Box: 2436 Abu Dhabiwww.alnasruae.comArid Land Development Company LLC
Tel: +971 3 7217644 ALNTel: +971 2 6319244 ADHFax: +971 3 7215006 ALNFax: +971 2 6318366 ADHIndustrial Area
P.O.Box: 24694 Abu DhabiBrengreen Emirates Establishment
Tel: +971 2 6222500 ADHFax: +971 2 6220115 ADH16th Floor, Al Ghaith Tower, Hamdan Street
P.O.Box: 4717 Abu DhabiCity Door Agriculture Establishment
Tel: +971 2 6333565 ADHFax: +971 2 6318366 ADHNear Central Hospital, Abu Dhabi Airport Road
P.O.Box: 3090 Abu Dhabiwww.aridland.aeDelma Royal Trading House LLC
Tel: +971 2 4463467 ADHFax: +971 2 4463468 ADHNear Zayed University, Muroor Street
P.O.Box: 40163 Abu DhabiEvergreen Landscaping Company WLL
Tel: +971 2 6726404 ADHFax: +971 2 6781533 ADHOpposite Russian Embassy, Khalifa Street
P.O.Box: 48235 Abu DhabiGreen Scape
Tel: +971 2 6393766 ADHFax: +971 2 6393767 ADHMohammed Al Fandi Al Mazroui Building, Al Estiqlal Road
P.O.Box: 62622 Abu DhabiGregori International
Tel: +971 2 6452024 ADHTel: +971 4 3420502 DXBFax: +971 2 6664042 ADHFax: +971 4 3422015 DXBNear Emirates Bank International, Electra Street
P.O.Box: 46563 Abu DhabiInternational Mechanical & Electrical Company
Tel: +971 2 6444488 ADHFax: +971 2 6447850 ADH46527 Abu DhabiMerryland Irrigation & Agricultural Contracting
Tel: +971 2 6214404 ADHFax: +971 2 6394404 ADHKhalidiya Road
P.O.Box: 83 Abu DhabiVergo Engineering Establishment
Tel: +971 2 6459110 ADHFax: +971 2 6456112 ADHMezzanine Floor, Saeed Atiq Building, Behind RAK Bank, Tourist Club Area
P.O.Box: 45068 Abu Dhabiwww.vergoeng.ae
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