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الموقع الإلكتروني البريد الإلكتروني

بستمان لمكافحة الحشرات

بستمان لمكافحة الحشرات المعلومات
Business Activity/Category:القوى العاملة والخدمات > حشرات - خدمات مكافحة
المدينة:راس الخيمة
البلد:United Arab Emirates
  • RAK:07-2352517      (+971 7 2352517) or (072352517)
  • RAK:07-2352518      (+971 7 2352518) or (072352518)
الموقع الإلكتروني:

Integrated Pest Management System Anti Termite, Fumigation Ship Sanitation Control / Exemption Certification PESTMAN, A U.K. based Pest Management Specialist Company combined with British, German and Canadian Expertise built on mutual trust; that integrates technology and IPM system in its business, safeguarding Property, Public Health & Environment; committed to Total Quality. We use advanced technology to provide High Value, Clean and Sanitized PEST FREE ENVIRONMENT; which meet challenging demands of international standards. We set TQM system both in our organization and in what we starve for our clients. Not to say! We provide free technical solutions / advice along with Value added services and make a commitment to know our clients needs and wants and be ready to help them whenever required. Upgrading our knowledge regularly through professional bodies, providing continuous training to all our employees, So as to perform efficiently. Respecting varied strengths & Capabilities of all our employees, professional bodies, business partners, industry affiliates and customer feedback. Honoring all commitments that we under take, providing tangible and intangible relatively higher value to our customer in their business & society.

Location Map

راس الخيمة
United Arab Emirates


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