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الموقع الإلكتروني البريد الإلكتروني

آي تي بيبول

آي تي بيبول المعلومات
Business Activity/Category: > استقدام - جلب - استشاريون
البلد:United Arab Emirates
  • DXB:04-3911744      (+971 4 3911744) or (043911744)
  • DXB:04-3911745      (+971 4 3911745) or (043911745)
Location:G06, Building 1, Dubai Internet City
الموقع الإلكتروني:

"IT People has always provided a software professional group who have shown reliability and technological depth." - IBM "We would like to express our satisfaction with the IT People team and their ability in providing skilled IT resources during critical moments of our IT projects within the Bank." - Kuwait Finance House oining IT People in 2009 in Bahrain was one of the best stepping stones of my career. - Balamohan, Sr. Consultant, Bahrain We highly recommend IT People for their effective and untiring efforts in providing us with qualified and competent software professionals at all levels - HP

Location Map

G06, Building 1, Dubai Internet City
United Arab Emirates


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