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الموقع الإلكتروني البريد الإلكتروني

أكواتيرم ش.م.ح.

أكواتيرم ش.م.ح. المعلومات
Business Activity/Category:صحي > أجهزة معالجة مياه الفضلات
المدينة:جبل علي
البلد:United Arab Emirates
  • JBL:04-8873109      (+971 4 8873109) or (048873109)
  • JBL:04-8873019      (+971 4 8873019) or (048873019)
Location:LOB 4, Roundabout 6, Jebel Ali Free Zone
الموقع الإلكتروني:

Leaning to over 20 years of experience in construction and commissioning of water & wastewater treatment projects, AQUATERM FZCO has been founded in Jebel Ali Free Zone (Dubai / UAE) with following goals . Supply of water and wastewater treatment plants, equipment, instruments and spare parts to the regional water market in the Middle East. Promoting new products manufactured by international leading companies to the target market by presenting said products in the regional exhibitions well as management networking. Proving all after sale services such as commissioning, maintenance, repair and troubleshooting for the supplied equipments and products in the workshop established in the region, when the manufacturer facilities and workshop is too far and costly. Minimizing manufacturing costs (i.e. manpower, shipment etc) of the equipments and consequently increasing to have a better share in the competitive market by final assembling of the equipment parts under manufacturer supervision and license in the workshop and utilizing advance port and shipment services of Jebel Ali Free Zone. Contact Information T: +971 4 8876006-7 F: +971 4 8876008 E-mail: [email protected]

Location Map

LOB 4, Roundabout 6, Jebel Ali Free Zone
جبل علي
United Arab Emirates


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