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الموقع الإلكتروني البريد الإلكتروني

معمل الصقر للألياف الزجاجية

معمل الصقر للألياف الزجاجية المعلومات
Business Activity/Category:زجاج ومواد بلاستيكية > فيبرغلاس - منتجات فيبرغلاس - مصنعون
البلد:United Arab Emirates
  • SHJ:06-5436837      (+971 6 5436837) or (065436837)
  • SHJ:06-5436737      (+971 6 5436737) or (065436737)
Location:Behind Emirates Petrol Station, Near Geco Roundabout, Industrial Area 6
الموقع الإلكتروني:

AL SAQR Fiberglass Factory L.L.C., set up in the year 1994 is a quality and competitive manufacturer of industrial and decorative fiberglass moulding products. Located at Sharjah, the company is a leading and well-established fibreglass product manufacturer in U.A.E. AL SAQR - manufacturers of custom made products associated with construction, transportation, furniture and civil engineering industries. AL SAQR FIBERGLASS FACTORY L.L.C P.O.BOX: 25228, SHARJAH U.A.E. TEL: (9716)- 5436837 FAX: (9716) -5436737 Mobile : (97150) 6467605 [email protected] Our company's achievement of ISO 9001:2000 is an important affirmation of our hardwork and dedication. We are proud of our efforts and believe our customer base value and our achievements as well. Vijay Puzhankara CEO, Al Saqr fiber Glass Factory L.L.C.

Location Map

Behind Emirates Petrol Station, Near Geco Roundabout, Industrial Area 6
United Arab Emirates


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