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الموقع الإلكتروني البريد الإلكتروني

شركة رانيا التجارية

شركة رانيا التجارية المعلومات
Business Activity/Category:معدات الكهربائية والخدمات > كهربائية - مقاولون وكهربائيون
البلد:United Arab Emirates
  • ADH:02-6773063      (+971 2 6773063) or (026773063)
  • ALN:03-7844736      (+971 3 7844736) or (037844736)
  • SHJ:06-5593784      (+971 6 5593784) or (065593784)
  • ADH:02-6793320      (+971 2 6793320) or (026793320)
  • ALN:03-7844738      (+971 3 7844738) or (037844738)
  • SHJ:06-5596490      (+971 6 5596490) or (065596490)
Location:803, City Bank Building, Salam Street
الموقع الإلكتروني:

Established in 1967, Ranya Group is a multi-disciplined organization in the United Arab Emirates with expertise in the fields of civil engineering, power generation and distribution, electromechanical works and plumbing services. Over the years, Ranya Group has developed a reputation for excellence in these various fields by consistently providing the highest quality services in a timely and professional manner. ISO and OHSAS Certification It gives us pleasure in announcing that we have been awarded the prestigious ISO 9001:2008 Certificate for our Quality System.

Location Map

803, City Bank Building, Salam Street
United Arab Emirates


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